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Niagara Falls Public Library

Show your love for the Niagara Falls Public Library this Library Giving Day

Do you love your library? We think many of you would answer yes to that question — and we (and all other libraries) thank you for it.

Wednesday, April 3 is Library Giving Day, and we’re asking you to show your love of libraries with a monetary donation. These donations strengthen the library system right now and will help us plan for the future.

But why do we need community donations? The fact is, even with the support of municipal and provincial funding, the needs of the library — which are the needs of our community — are costing more than the money we receive. Without additional funding, library services and materials will have to be reduced — or cut altogether.

A community without a library would suffer more than you may expect. A library gives folks who don’t have the internet a place to apply for jobs or access important documents. A library allows people to expand their knowledge through reading books in various formats or watching movies. A library provides quiet study spaces and a place to take exams or citizenship tests. A library delivers materials to residents who are not physically able to travel to the library.

Libraries are no longer just quiet tombs that solely exist to loan books. We provide space for our community members to gather, to learn, to grow — all at no cost to the visitor. Libraries must continue to exist to give residents a place to explore and borrow materials, but also access services that are simply not available anywhere else in the community.

Now, we know that giving a financial donation is not possible for everyone who loves the library. You can still support the library in other ways that are still incredibly meaningful. You can visit the library and borrow materials, attend activities, talk about the library with friends and family and encourage others to explore their own local library (even if it’s not Niagara Falls — we love all libraries).

Libraries are more than just a warehouse for books. We support our community by offering places to gather, learn and grow — at no additional cost. But we need help to make sure we’re serving our community in the ways they need, want, and deserve. This Library Giving Day, we ask that you support Niagara Falls Public Library with a monetary gift so we can continue our work and support our community now and in the future.

To learn more and to donate, please visit our website at nfpl.info/DonateToday.